Allpaynow is proudly offering the best rates Online to help your business to grow
and get satisfied about the sales reports.
We offer the following rates for Business account:
Starting from 6.90% rate fee.
$1.00 per transaction fee.
$5.00 per refund fee.
$65.00 per chargeback fee.
$70 per bank international wire transfer fee.
Withdrawls rates:
Amount < $1,000 USD 2.00 %
1,000 $ < Amount < $5,000 $ 1.80%
$5,000 $ < Amount < $10,000 USD 1.60%
Amount > $10,000 USD 1.40%
To send money :
Send Payment free
Receive payment 2%+ 1.50 $.
10% Rolling reserve per calendar month to be held back for six months.
Payouts : Closed on the 15th and last day of each month, paid 2 weeks in arrear.
After the first month, payments cycle will be effected every 15 days.
Flexible rate of Sale Amount depending from shipment system and sale volume;
starting from 6.90% to 8.50%
No leases
No software to buy
No secure server to purchase
No statement fees
No per payment fees!
Gateway Setup Fee, one time fee : 100.00 $
Monthly fees : USD 75.00
Gateway terminal(manual processing order : max 30% of your monthly sales and
You must agree to a one-time $ 30.00 USD setup fee and a $15 USD per month subscription
to maintain the account.
Business category allowed : as for details in Our Privacy Policy.
Time to open an account : 2/5 days.
Payment gateway : Direct processing.
Processing Currencies available : USD for VISA and MASTER;USD, EUR and CHF for
Settlement currencies available : USD, EUR and CHF.
Payment method available at present : Visa/ Mastercard/ Amex/ Diners/JCB. Maestro,
Solo, Switch cards coming soon.
Debit card : coming soon.